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Experimental research is a form of comparative analysis in which you study two or more variables and observe a group under a certain condition or groups experiencing different conditions. By assessing the results of this type of study, you can determine correlations between the variables applied and their effects on each group. Experimental research uses the scientific method to find preferable ways of accomplishing a task for providing a service (Indeed Editorial Team, 2023) .


Experimental research has specific characteristics derived from its methods of analysis ( Formplus, 2020). Some of those characteristics are the following:
  • Dependent variables and independent variables
All experimental research starts from dependent or fixed variables (which serve as a control group). These have to be contrasted with the independent variables, which are those that the researcher manipulates to obtain certain results.
  • Controlled conditions
The experiments are applied under rigorously controlled conditions to be clear about the factors that affect the behavior of the object of study.
  • Manipulation of variables
The experiment is introduced or provoked by the researcher, who deliberately manipulates the independent variables to obtain various results, always under controlled and rigorous conditions.
  • Observation of the object of study
The researcher must observe the behavior of the object of study in each of the scenarios built for it, from which he will be able to obtain more or less conclusive data.


 According to Formplus (2020), Experimental research design can be majorly used in physical sciences, social sciences, education, and psychology. It is used to make predictions and draw conclusions on a subject matter. Some uses of experimental research design are highlighted below.

  • Medicine: Experimental research is used to provide the proper treatment for diseases. In most cases, rather than directly using patients as the research subject, researchers take a sample of the bacteria from the patient’s body and are treated with the developed antibacterial

The changes observed during this period are recorded and evaluated to determine its effectiveness. This process can be carried out using different experimental research methods.

  • Education: Asides from science subjects like Chemistry and Physics which involves teaching students how to perform experimental research, it can also be used in improving the standard of an academic institution. This includes testing students’ knowledge on different topics, coming up with better teaching methods, and the implementation of other programs that will aid student learning.
  • Human Behavior: Social scientists are the ones who mostly use experimental research to test human behaviour. For example, consider 2 people randomly chosen to be the subject of the social interaction research where one person is placed in a room without human interaction for 1 year.

The other person is placed in a room with a few other people, enjoying human interaction. There will be a difference in their behaviour at the end of the experiment.

  • UI/UX: During the product development phase, one of the major aims of the product team is to create a great user experience with the product. Therefore, before launching the final product design, potential are brought in to interact with the product.

For example, when finding it difficult to choose how to position a button or feature on the app interface, a random sample of product testers are allowed to test the 2 samples and how the button positioning influences the user interaction is recorded.



Experimental research allows you to test your idea in a controlled environment before taking the research to clinical trials. Moreover, it provides the best method to test your theory because of the following advantages (Sirisilla, 2023):
  • Researchers have firm control over variables to obtain results.
  • The subject does not impact the effectiveness of experimental research. 
  • Anyone can implement it for research purposes.
  • The results are specific. 
  • Post results analysis, research findings from the same dataset can be repurposed for similar research ideas.
  • Researchers can identify the cause and effect of the hypothesis and further analyze this relationship to determine in-depth ideas.
  • Experimental research makes an ideal starting point. 
  • The collected data could be used as a foundation to build new research ideas for further studies.


  • It is highly prone to human error due to its dependency on variable control which may not be properly implemented. These errors could eliminate the validity of the experiment and the research being conducted.
  • Exerting control of extraneous variables may create unrealistic situations. Eliminating real-life variables will result in inaccurate conclusions. This may also result in researchers controlling the variables to suit his or her personal preferences.
  • It is a time-consuming process. So, much time is spent on testing dependent variables and waiting for the effect of the manipulation of dependent variables to manifest.
  • It is expensive. 
  • It is very risky and may have ethical complications that cannot be ignored. This is common in medical research, where failed trials may lead to a patient’s death or a deteriorating health condition.
  • Experimental research results are not descriptive.
  • Response bias can also be supplied by the subject of the conversation.
  • Human responses in experimental research can be difficult to measure.  


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REFERENCES  According to the website (n.d) According to the website (n.d) Anon, (n.d.). What is a Survey? Definition,Types, Advantages and Disadvantages - Management Study HQ. [online] Available at: Arnold, L. (2007).  Action Research – characteristics . [online] Lydia Arnold. Available at: Roberts, R. (2022, August 11). Guides: Qualitative research: Definition.  Bradbury, H. (2015). Action research-Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory (pp. 1-5). Springer Netherlands. Kalum. (2023) 10 Characteristics Of Qualitative Research, Its Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages. (2022, January 4). https://cr...


DEFINITION Qualitative research  is the naturalistic study of social meanings and processes, using interviews, observations, and the analysis of texts and images.  In contrast to quantitative researchers, whose statistical methods enable broad generalizations about populations (for example, comparisons of the percentages of U.S. demographic groups who vote in particular ways), qualitative researchers use in-depth studies of the social world to analyze how and why groups think and act in particular ways (Roberts, 2022). CHARACTERISTICS  According to Kalum (2023), Qualitative research is an approach to research that focuses on understanding the subjective experiences, perspectives, and meanings of individuals and groups. Some of the key characteristics of qualitative research include: Emphasis on context Qualitative research focuses on the context in which people experience and interpret events, rather than just the events t...


Hello everybody, welcome! Thank you for visiting our blog.  In this blog, you will find a lot of information related to the different types of research or techniques, so you can choose the best one for your future investigations. Enjoy it! By Willian Alexander Gutierrez Roza, and Joel Alirio González Carlos.